As we know, Pelargoniums come in so many different shades of colour especially reds and pinks however there are two hues the Pelargonium family lacks in, Blue and Yellow. The hardy geraniums do have a few varieties with true blue flowers but there are no known true blue Pelargoniums. (If you are wondering what the difference is between a Geranium and a Pelargonium then read our previous blog for more of an understanding.) One might think why not cross pollinate The Geranium and Pelargonium, however this has been tested and proven to be unsuccessful.
In 1970 a new variety was bred which was a hybrid between the species P. Quinquelobatum and a dwarf white zonal named Fantasie by Sam Peat. This resulted in the ever popular "Creamery" variety which has the most stunning creamy pale yellow blooms and was so exciting as the move towards yellow flowering Pelargoniums was one step closer. To date, all yellow flowering varieties are a pale yellow or cream colour and not the vibrant yellow of a Sunflower one would expect.
Earlier this year the well reknowned 'Fibrex Nursery' launched their new Zoneartic range of pelargoniums these have large single & double flowers in shades of white, cream, yellows, peaches, pinks, oranges & reds in all manner of combinations and look amazing.

But still we strive for perfection and as long standing breeder and growers, Allwoods have been busy! The last 15 years have seen us launch many new varieties that have been bred on our nursery and 2017 is no different. The year started with the release of a brand new Angel Pelargonium 'Treasured Memories' in memory of Emma's father who died suddenly from Pancreatic Cancer.
This Autumn we are proud to release our new yellow flowering Pelargonium 'Allwoods Lemon Drizzle'
which made its debut appearance this Summer at the prestigious 'Sandringham Flower Show' where it was displayed in the Royal Marquee and was much admired. 'Allwoods Lemon Drizzle' is a much improved version of the original Creamery, we have spent years selecting and improving the original and now have a much better flowering variety.
So, what makes Allwoods Lemon Drizzle so special? Well, this new version flowers more prolifically than the original Creamery and has bright creamy yellow flowers and a better foliage growth, some would even say the blooms are more yellow – though that can depend on where it is situated as the ‘yellowness’ of the blooms can change slightly due to the light levels and heat.
The foliage is a striking bright green which is a lovely contrast with the yellow flowers and it makes a lovely compact plant, classed as a zonal miniature so reaches a height of 5-6" which is perfect for growing it on a sunny windowsill or conservatory. Remember, like ALL pelargoniums it will require frost protection in the winter - so no leaving it out in the garden!! We recommend keeping your pelargoniums to a minimum of 30 degrees Celsius, and remember if they are positioned too closely to a window they can still be affected by the cold.
Due to its unusual colour we predict it will be a hot seller so be sure to place your order sooner rather then later while stocks last. Orders can be placed online or contact the office on 01273 844229.