As the great ball of fire in the sky makes its way back to the Southern hemisphere (Boo hoo), Summer is still very much in full swing in the UK and the heat has been somewhat intense over the past 2 weeks. Our greenhouses have been reaching temperatures of 49 degrees Celsius most days and with that we’ve decided to put a holt on posting out plants until the Autumn when the temperature is more favourable for young plants… and ourselves.
However, for those who are not aware plug plants are not the only avenue of our business and although that side of the business is now on short hiatus, our cut flowers are still very much in full swing. Every week we send out boxes and boxes of fresh cut carnations to lucky recipients all across the country. Our reputation is rather well-known for our long lasting, stunning blooms.
Allwoods has been sending flowers by post successfully since 1910. Although some of our methods may have changed over the years in terms of packaging, the long lasting first class quality of our product has remained the same. With many awards under our belts from prestigious events such as Chelsea, Hampton Court and Sandringham, well those gold awards speak for themselves. We are due to appear in the royal marquee again this year at Sandringham, so all fingers crossed that we can bring home another gold! Read all about our awards and achievements here.
Many customers have expressed their concern lately regarding the heat and have queried whether we are still posting out flowers in these extreme temperatures. We’re aware that many companies have opted to pull back on posting cut flowers due to them not surviving as well during their travel however we’re happy to confirm that we’ve had absolutely no problems regarding the life span of our flowers and have received many phone calls of happy recipients sharing their gratitude for the flowers they have received.
The key is to keep your flowers in a cool place but that said, cut flowers do not take kindly to air-conditioning as it takes any moisture out the air causing the flowers to dry out and wilt quicker. We keep ours in an industrial sized fridge which keeps them nice and cool, fresh, and hydrated especially when it’s scorching outside. Obviously we realise our customers will not be keeping their blooms in a large fridge but by keeping them out of direct sunlight and away from any windows should do the trick.
Another tip is to change the water regularly, cut flowers love fresh water so the more you change it the longer they will thrive. Always give them a fresh cut before arranging them in a vase and if they look a bit sad on arrival, not to worry, once they’ve had a good drink and time to recover they should perk right up (this can take up to 24 hours).
We have a great selection of colours all year round, however on occasions we may not have the exact variety specified in our range but we always do our best to supply a substitute as close to the original colour as possible.
So, if you have been holding off on treating yourself or a loved one to one of our gorgeous bouquets out of fear of them struggling in the heat, rest assured that we are still sending out bouquets and they should not die on you if looked after correctly.
Our full range of bouquets can be viewed on our website or alternatively request one of our catalogues here. Popular choices for this season have been our Pastel Bouquet, Fantasy Bouquet and top selling Mixed Bouquet. All flowers are sent 1st class via Royal Mail and come inclusive with leather leaf fern, care instructions and plant food.

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